Clothes Moth Removal
Expert Clothes Moth Removal Services – Pest Control Rotherham
Pest Control Rotherham provides expert Clothes Moth Removal Services in and around the Rotherham areas.
If you have any issues with moths, please get in touch today for some expert advice. We are on hand 7 days a week to help with any Pest Control issues you may have.
Contact our very friendly, expert team on 07841 845822 or via our contact form below.

About Clothes Moths
There are two types of clothes moths; the Case Bearing Clothes Moth and the Common Clothes Moth.
Moths can be a real nuisance in the home as they eat all kinds of materials, including your clothes. The moths themselves do not eat your clothes, it is their larvae that do.
Both species of moth feed on wool clothing, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, fur and any animal based products.
Some furniture items such as, mattresses and pillows are stuffed with animal products e.g. feathers. Once clothes moths get inside the material, it is nigh on impossible to control the moths; you can not simply spray the outside of the item. If this is the case the best way to eliminate the clothes moths is to fumigate them using dry ice or contact your local pest control experts.
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With more than 25 years experience in Pest Control Services, you can be assured that we will provide expert services for your home or business. Please contact a member of the team to find out more.