Squirrel Control
Pest Control Rotherham provides professional squirrel control services for the home and commercial properties.
We have appointments available 7 days a week and in most cases can provide a same day service at no extra cost.
Contact our team today to get a very competitive quote on 07841 845822 or via our online contact form just below.

A Few Facts About Grey Squirrels
How Big Can Grey Squirrels GRow?
An Adult Grey Squirrels body can grow up to 28cm’s with their bushy tail growing as long as 24cm’s. Their bushy tail helps them to balance.
Life Span of the Grey Squirrel
The average lifespan of the Grey Squirrel is approximately 9 years of age. The oldest ever recorded Gray Squirrel reached 23 years and 6 months.
Grey Squirrels Are Quite Heavey
An Average Grey Squirrel weighs between 400 and 650grams.
Grey Squirrel Activity
Grey Squirrels are active during the day, as they forage for food. Often visiting peanut feeders in gardens. In Autumn Grey Squirrels store nuts, ready for the winter.
A Squirrels nest is called a Drey – compact and spherical in structure.
Meet the Family Team



With more than 25 years experience in Pest Control Services, you can be assured that we will provide expert services for your home or business. Please contact a member of the team to find out more.